Dog with a sign that says "I eat my own poop"

Why do dogs eat their poop? This is a question that most dog owners ask. Actually, dogs are not really discerning when speaking about the food they eat. In fact they raid trash bins to eat spoiled food. Thus, it would no longer be surprising if they eat their own poop. They are naturally scavengers. Eating their own feces is one of their scavenging activities.

Some dogs eat their poop because there’s still food in it. Yes, this may be weird but actually true. Some components of food are still in the poop and as a dog smells it, he will eat it. Sometimes, dogs eat poop because they are emulating other dogs. This is most especially true to dogs that are privileged to freely wander outside. They witness other dog doing it and as they think that it’s a normal thing to do, they would do the same.

Another reason why a dog eats his own poop is because he is bored. Why would he be bored? It is simply because you are ignoring him. While it is true that dogs commonly outgrow this habit eventually, the fact remains that it is disgusting to see him eating his own poop. So to stop him from doing such, you need to:

  1. Let your dog be vaccinated as regular necessary
  2. Feed him with nutritious and balanced diet
  3. Always keep his area clean
  4. Clean his feces as early as he finishes pooping
  5. Teach him with the basic training commands to make him understand the dos and don’ts
  6. Add a pumpkin, spinach or pineapple to his meal: these are all unpalatable foods
  7. Spend time with your dog: As a very affectionate animal, he may only need your affection that is why he’s eating his own poop.

Learning why do dogs eat their own poop makes you an informed dog owner. This makes you understand what your responsibility is as the owner of your dog. Eventually, this makes you a responsible dog owner and care taker of a lovable and valuable household animal.